måndag 5 augusti 2013

Game 39: Loss

2/8 2013
Duo Queue with MrDavido
Leona Support
Personal Stats: 1/11/8
Team Stats: 23/51
It started out really well when our Ashe got first blood when the enemy team's invade failed. Then, we went back to bot lane and dominated enemy Ryze and Thresh... and suddenly we didn't. Ashe did a pretty stupid dive and we lost the edge we had gotten. Then, Ryze dominated us. He just had sick damage after a while. And the enemy team had Teemo... I do not like Teemo. Our Tryndamere got owned by him, tried switching with Zed and our Zed got owned. A tiresome game, but I guess we lost rightfully.
Win/Loss rate: 18/21 (46,15/53,85%)

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