12/8 2013
Solo Queue
Cho'Gath Jungler
Personal Stats: 3/5/9
Team Stats: 40/30
Another game to remind me that I need to remember bot lane more when I'm jungling. Our bot lane had a hard time since enemy jungler Lee Sin was down there a whole lot. He was also in top lane a few times, causing our Kennen to have a hard time aswell. We won though, largely thanks to our mid laner Nidalee who hit a lot of spears, and those are dangerous when Nidalee builds AP. Our Kennen got more dangerous as time went on as well, and our bot lane started doing better in the end too. If there's one primary lesson to be learned from these last two games, it's to be aware of bot lane when jungling.
Win/Loss rate: 25/23 (52,08/47,92%)
SvaraRaderaLeopard female very to force